Friday, May 15, 2009

Week 2 on our blog

Less than a week after our first post (6 weeks after planting), we are harvesting cucumbers, tomatoes and squash. (The green bell pepper is not quite ready to pick.) This is in addition to the herbs that we have been able to enjoy almost daily. We planted butterbeans this week and seeds for an heirloom radish.....watermelon radish. The radish is white on the outside and red on the inside. They have already broke ground!! Chris finished the last 5x5 in our large garden. The only item planted in it to date is a pineapple sage. My sister has one in her bed and told me that it grows to about 4 feet. So it was planted in the center of a bed!! We also planted two other kinds of basil, a cinnamon basil and a thai basil. I blogged about our long beds (8x2) but neglected to post a photo. As you can see it is placed against a 6 ft fence but we have placed trellis netting for the plants to grow on because the metal gets too hot and is not good for the plants. The ichiban eggplant will probably be ready in three to four days. There are more blossoms on the eggplant and all of the peppers. Chris can hardly wait for the banana peppers for they are one of his favorites!! I am still learning how to post pictures as I'm sure you can surmise. I need my computer whiz (Steve) to correct my errors!!


  1. Looks great! You have quite the variety growing! It takes a while to work out the kinks with posting photos, etc. Sometimes it can be a bit tedious. Thanks for all of your wonderful comments on our blog. It's been a great way to share with family and friends. Welcome to the blogosphere!

  2. It sure looks great!! Won't belong before Paula is harvesting more than tomatoes. Haven't heard of Pineapple Sage but it sure sounds interesting. Where did you find it?

  3. The beds look like they are going good! I hadn't thought about the chain link getting too hot. We'll have to get a lattice built for the canteloupes to climb before they reach the fence.

  4. I found the pineapple sage at Lowes. It is one of the Bonnie plants. Paula, maybe you can do like we did with the fence. We just hooked our netting to the top of the fence and angled it out at the bottom. I check every other day to make sure the plants are growing on the netting and not the fence. The info about the fence was something a 'seasoned' gardener had told me. Not sure about the accuracy but figured it would not hurt to let the plants grow on the netting. We found ours at Home Depot. It should last a few seasons.
